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(18:08:20) Pt 1. Conclusion and Closing Prayer

Speaker [00:00:05] Thank you.

Speaker [00:00:08] And I really just wanted to come out partially because Khaleel asked me. I wanted everyone to give Khaleel a round of applause and everyone who has worked so hard to put this event together. We know that putting these things together, it's difficult getting people to come out and speak out about something so important. Believe it or not is not always easy. So it is a testament to you and to them that you are all here right now.

Speaker [00:00:40] And I want you to know that as a person who is older, much older than a lot of you, I am so proud of all of you. I am so proud of this coalition that you have put together that is multiracial, multi ethnic, multi gendered and all sorts of different sexual orientations. And somehow you've come together to galvanize around one thing, and that is justice. And I want you to know that it makes me proud to see how passionate you are about changing your world. I am so proud that you know that you have the power within yourselves to collectively change how we operate in this country. I can see that by all of the different people who are here that you have decided that you are going to make this world better for yourselves and for your children and for your children's children. And for that I say thank you to you.

Speaker [00:01:54] Now, I'm going to assume that just like we have a lot of different ethnicities here today, that we also have people who believe many different things. We have some people here right now who do not believe in God, who do not practice any sort of faith. So I'm not going to beat you over the head with a Bible. What I am going to tell you, however, is that the core of my faith is justice. I know I have heard so many on television. I heard Bill de Blasio and Cuomo and all of these mayors and governors all over the country telling people who are protesting right now that we can't have justice until we have peace. But my faith tells me that peace comes after justice. Justice has to come first. And it is out of justice that peace flows. And not just to those who have the power, not just to those who have the money, but to everyone. And so when you come out here demanding that there be justice, you are also ensuring that this world would have peace. And peace that is true peace, not just the peace that is quiet comfort from being uncomfortable. That peace that comes from not having to talk about race. That peace that comes from not having to talk about defunding the police. That peace that comes not just from talking about how we it all just love each other, but the peace that demands that we act on the love that we say that we had and that we bring out those people who are not acting in love.

Speaker [00:03:48] Our call today is to demand that those in power understand that their power is a responsibility and not a right. A responsibility to care for all of humanity. A responsibility to provide safety for everyone. A responsibility to make sure that the wealth of this country is shared evenly and and and in good faith.

Speaker [00:04:18] So I want to thank you for knowing something that it took me my whole life almost to learn, and that is that we are stronger together and that we need each other and that when we work together, we can change this world. And so I want to thank you for start making these steps towards changing this world. And I want to encourage you to not stop until you see the changes that are needed. The changes in health care. The changes in education. The changing in policing. The changing in who our leaders. You guys can do it. And you're proving it right now.

Speaker [00:05:05] So let us take a moment just to give thanks. And for those who don't believe I apologize for placing my belief on the forefront that I cannot hide it. Gracious God. We thank you for this day. We thank you for all of these young adults that you have brought together in search of your peace.

Speaker [00:05:37] We thank you, God, that right now you are surrounding them with your protection. We thank you, God that you are filling them with your wisdom. And we thank you, God that you are preparing them to lead this world into a world of justice, of peace and of love.

Speaker [00:05:56] So we ask, oh, God, that as they continue forward, that you would guide them, that you would lead them, that you would be with them, that they may be able to change your world and make it a place where everyone lives in peace, has a full belly, a roof over their head, and never has to fear the violence of a corrupt system.

Speaker [00:06:25] We thank you, God, that even right now you are embracing the vestiges of racism, the vestiges of classism, the vestiges of sexism, the vestiges, o Lord, of hatred, wherever it shows is it. And we thank you, God, that you are using your people to do it.

Speaker [00:06:45] It is in Jesus name that I pray, but I pray, O Lord, on behalf of those who believe and do not believe. And so I say thank you. Amen.

Speaker [00:06:57] Thank you Reverand. Thank you very much.

Speaker [00:07:03] This vigil is a moment for us to just have some some quiet time to think and hold our candles and remember the lives of the names that we know.

Speaker [00:07:13] George Floyd, Briona Taylor, Ahmaud Arberry, and for the names that we don't know. That list is longer than we probably can even imagine. The name of the people who have been traumatized, abused or oppressed and put down in many ways, not just physically, sometimes economically, spiritually, emotionally put down by a system that has been oppressive to them. We want to take this moment. Just take a moment. Be silent. Be still. Hold your candles. Think about the brothers and sisters and all those whose lives have been affected.

Speaker [00:07:47] And also think about the change. We have a packet today coming out to a community and showing and sharing. Our voice is so important to share your voice. All right. Now, let's be quiet. We just share a moment of solitude.

Speaker [00:09:10] Something so beautiful about silence, isn't it?

Speaker [00:09:14] Everybody can come together and be loud and make noise, which we did. And we made sure South Plainfield heard us from here. All down, Maple Ave. Maintained at the municipal building for about 15, 20 minutes in totality. They heard our voice. But, when we all can just be silent and just hear our own thoughts, and hear nature. It's a beautiful thing.

Speaker [00:09:34] So thank you guys for coming out. I want to give a special thanks to Savannah, to Chris. Lovely Genay, Melissa. All those involved behind the scenes have put this together. It was not easy work, but you guys definite made it easier by showing your support.

Speaker [00:09:48] Thank you, Anthony. Mariah, Miranda, Antony's brother.

Speaker [00:09:52] Thank you guys all so much for all your support. Those who ran the snack tables yet can run away. They gave us snacks with our water. We had a megaphone. [video prematurely cuts off]